The optimism that the Internet will eliminate borders is fading, and today we are seeing more and more fragmentation and widening disparities.
Some countries have appeared to seal their borders not only with roads, but also with networks.
We live in an era of unpredictability known as VUCA (Vuka), and it has become difficult to see the truth due to information pollution and information disparities that are catching up with us.
If we can communicate more freely with each other, we will understand each other better and find that we can help each other rather than threaten each other.
We hope to contribute to the coexistence and growth of a borderless world by building a network of heart-to-heart communication through the power of technology, connecting the senses of joy and pain of people around the world, like a body with blood flowing to every corner of its capillaries.
Why Choose Us
Numerical representation of support performance.
- Number of maintenance
/ Year0x - Number of email support
/ Year0x - Number of calls supported
/ Year0x - Number of security inspections
/ Year0x
Features of System Production
- 2025.02.08シリコンバレーのサンノゼにオフィスを開設しました。
- 2025.02.04We completed maintenance and access analysis services for the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology's Foreign Language Education Promotion Office.
- 2025.02.04New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization (NEDO) completed maintenance and servicing work.
- 2025.02.04Japan National Tourism Organization completed a cyber security inspection.
- 2025.01.14Educational Systems and Information Society of Japan: Cyber Security Inspection completed.
- 2025.01.14Okugawa Co., Ltd.: Cybersecurity inspection completed.
- 2025.01.14Seamore Co., Ltd.: Cybersecurity inspection completed.
- 2024.12.17Nagoya City University Graduate School of Medicine: Cybersecurity testing completed.
JOC's STAFF Gallery
Building Futures, Growing Together
We will continue to consider our company's role in society as a whole and do our best.
Always keep in mind that work is always appreciated, rather than thinking about short-term profit,
We hope to grow with our clients by exceeding their expectations.